2023 Yearbook


Year 7 has been innovative and enthusiastic in the Junior Kitchen this year. As with Year 9 and 10, the overhaul of the Canteen saw the junior classes test their skills using the Hospitality Kitchen for 6 weeks - certainly a treat for young budding chefs! The FEAST, Food Education and Sustainability Training, Program from OZHARVEST is a unit of inquiry that challenges students to investigate food waste solutions, nutrition, healthy eating, new recipe ideas and kitchen confidence to cook delicious meals that reduce waste. The delicious recipes cooked and enjoyed by the students and the theory content allows them to develop skills to become change makers in the community as they reflect on OZHARVEST’s vision to build a world with zero food waste and free of hunger. Once finished in the kitchen, students moved onto looking at the Aviation history, and principles of flight. Students were given the opportunity to design and build a prototype plane to modify, test, and fly it to see if they are able to improve the performance of their Aircraft. Students spent time learning to research how to successfully live off the grid as well as design and create a model for their living arrangements. The students have managed garden beds to produce delicious vegetables and increase organic matter in the soil to enable more worms for nutrients for plants to grow and succeed. What a clucking mad year was had with year 7 students engaging in Chicken Production in Australia, with hatching chickens and raising chickens from day old, which are kindly donated by LPC. Students analysed the weight and growth of the chickens over the term.

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