2023 Yearbook

ART - YEAR 7/8

During 2023 Year 7 have experienced the use of a number of different mediums to achieve perspective drawings and indigenous designs. Perspective art - The students were required to follow footage instructions on how to draw and present a one point perspective room or outdoor image. Moving to a two point perspective, then with the skills and knowledge developed the students were challenged to create a set of buildings out of their initials and coloured like the artist the studied, Howard Arkley. Indigenous art - Australian Indigenous artists and their techniques are discussed linking the importance of sharing the knowledge and skills shared over generations of the Aboriginal Culture. The students completed an online quiz assigning them a totem or spiritual animal that their works would be based on for the term. From here there are two pieces of art presented, one dot painting and a secondly a scratch art. Year 8 have been studying the artists and techniques of printmakers creating their own prints using a square piece of linoleum, lino cutting tools and printing inks. Each year 8 group created their own stamps and implemented the techniques of the artists that they had studied.

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