2024 Yearbook
After a long hiatus, textiles made an appearance at the College this year with great success.
Four Year 8 classes enjoyed their rotation of learning the basics of hand stitching such as running, back, hem and blanket stitching, how to sew on buttons and the culmination was the creation of a small hand stitched monster. The College’s sewing machines were serviced and students in Term 1, 2 and 4 enjoyed mastering the skills required to operate these. Mrs Moncrieff, our kitchen assistant, was monumental in our success with this course, being a seamstress with a great love of textiles. We were also so fortunate to have a volunteer, Mrs Linda Humphrey, a retired nurse in our community, visit our class almost weekly to lend a hand and her expertise. The year ended with students creating a tote bag which we look forward to seeing being put to good use, carting PE clothes to school for prac lessons next year.
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