2024 Yearbook

DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Year 8 Digital Technology have been building upon their digital literacy skills and learning how to use their devices more effectively. Across the unit they have undertaken research projects, coding tutorials, app development and design programs such as Canva. Through these tasks the classes have explored the changing nature of technology and how it influences the progression of society. The class has provided the opportunity for students to showcase their creativity and learn computer skills that can be applied across multiple subjects.

AGRICULTURE Stage 5 Agriculture is a passionate and motivated group of students eager for agriculture's future. Some designing and

reshuffling of the Ag plot, with the final location for the laying hens, with three fresh pens and a large outdoor yard providing an ideal laying hen environment. The eggs collected by students are delivered to the cooking classes for use. Students enjoyed handling the six wethers, naming them Franklin, Cruize, Dynasty, William, Benjamin, and Morto. Students were fortunate to travel to Crookwell for the Southern Merino Breeder, Merino ewe competition and attended the SWS Merino Field Day at Harden. This year's vegetable gardens have been very productive, with vegetables harvested all year round and cherries being big and luscious on the tree. Students have studied Poultry Production, Pork Production, Sustainability, Wheat Production, Sheep Production and Vegetables. Thank you Ms Katrina Hudson for all her time, motivation ensuring the success of the Ag Plot.

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